Step one - IKE

Step one - IKE
Step one - IKE
Step one - IKE
Step one - IKE
Step one - IKE

Step one - IKE

IKE - The world is how you create it - Be Aware

A short course introducing the seven principals of Huna passed down from Mettes Institute in Australia

This course is a doorway into your journey with the 7 Principles of Huna and will guide you into refining your awareness of yourself, your life, your energy, your dreams and your next inspired actions.

Through this work, you will explore the possibility that there is more here than we have been taught and there are deeper ways in which we can experience our lives. Each week will invite you to explore a new principle and how it could enhance your life, your decisions and choices.

Kahuna Principal - Ike the world is how you create it

The first step is an invitation of how to create a better life through awareness. One way to do this is to write downing your journal what it is that you really want for yourself, sometimes words work other times symbols and pictures work. So whatever works fro you is perfect.

Spend some time thinking about the areas of your life tat you would like to find out more of what you really want

Today is about being the artist of your life, when I don’t know what I want life just kind of happens and then I move into blame it’s easy to blame the things we are encountering when we have not taken responsibility for our own actions.

So it is really important to find out what you want, to speak what you want, to tell someone what it is you want and in doing so you begin to take responsibility for your own actions and life.

So when doing this exercise just be aware of what you really want ant to have fun with being the artist of your life.

7 Steps to a Better Life - The Huna Principles - IKE Exercise

Step 1 – IKE - The world is how you create it

You are the artist of your life – You have the paintbrush in your hand and you paint the picture. What do you want? You are responsible for your life. There are things that are out of your control. Yet you decide how to view your journey. You determine how to define and explore yourself.


This exercise explores your life and your direction. It is important to ask,
“What do I want in my life?”. With this known, it allows you to picture the vision ofwhere you want to be and make peace with the path you’re now on to achieve it.

Write down what you are wanting in your life in the following areas:

  1. Family:
  2. Lifestyle:
  3. Career:
  4. Health:
  5. Relationships:

Daily Affirmation - I Am Aware

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